May 16, 2018 Meeting
Come and Learn: Louis Foreman, a highly noted Speaker, successful Inventor and Company Founder. Current CEO of Edison Nation, dedicated to helping independent inventors develop and market their ideas.
Louis will show YOU:
- WHY it’s EASY to Get Ideas
- WHY it’s DIFFICULT to Make Money on Ideas
- How to EVALUATE your IDEA
- ACTION STEPS that will Put You on the SUCCESS PATH
- FIVE QUESTIONS to Answer BEFORE You Start Spending Money
- HOW to ANSWER Those 5 Questions on EVERY INVENTION!
Louis also Developed/Produced the highly successful and Emmy award winning Everyday Edisons TV series.
And is coauthor of "The Independent Inventor's Handbook" a very successful resource book for all Inventors.
Louis graduated from The University of Illinois with a Bachelors of Science degree in Economics. Over the past 30 years Louis has created 9 successful start-ups and has been directly responsible for the creation of over 20 others.
A prolific inventor, he is the inventor of 10 registered US Patents, and his firm is responsible for the development and filing of well over 700 more.