TWIN CITIES MAKERS SPACE TOUR - Learn How You Can Make Your Own Prototypes!
The Inventors School 2022: Bringing a New Product to Market

WHERE: Twin City Maker building at 3119 E. 26th Street Minneapolis, MN 55406 (Just 6 minutes South of I-94, off Hiawatha Avenue in Minneapolis)
FREE PIZZA and Post Tour Discussion: 7:15PM at Memory Lanes, Just 1 mile West of the Twin City Maker Building
JULY AGENDA (Meeting 7 / 2022): JOIN US for a FREE Tour of the Twin City Maker Space. A 20,000+ Square Foot facility for making crafts and prototypes – With all the Tools you need for making prototypes, Plus the potential for producing small business startup production quantity products.
• Learn How You Can Make Your Own Prototypes:
1. Wood / Metal / Vinyl / Silicone / Paperboard / More
2. 3D Printing / Electronics / Silicone Molding
3. CNC Routers / Machining / Welding / Lathes / Lasers
4. Solidworks Software
• Learn About Workshops and Classes that will Show Your How to Use the Tools and Equipment you need.
Workshops Examples include:
1. Woodshop Saws/Planers/Presses
2. CNC Orientation
3. Metal Fabrication
4. Oxy-Acetylene Torch Cutting
5. MIG Welding
6. Machining
7. Lasers
8. Silicone Mold Making
9. And More
• JOIN us after the 45 Minute Tour for free pizza and conversation about Prototyping. And ABOUT our own non-profit inventor community group: The MN Inventors Network.
We are committed to the Minnesota Inventors with:
o Guidance, Resources and Networking
o Monthly meetings (3rd Wednesday)
o Expert Speakers / Q&A / and Small Group discussions on topics like Sales, Manufacturing, Prototyping, Legal, Marketing and Licensing.
JOIN US Wednesday, JULY 20TH
TIME: 6:30PM-7:15PM TOUR
WHERE: TOUR - Twin City Maker building at 3119 E. 26th Street Minneapolis, MN 55406 (Just 6 minutes South of I-94, off Hiawatha Avenue in Minneapolis)
FREE PIZZA and Post Tour Discussion: 7:15PM at Memory Lanes, Just 1 mile West of the Twin City Maker Building