Tonight’s speaker, John Ellis, has spent a career helping inventors and corporations design and engineer product ideas. A key part of his success, particularly with inventors, is helping them clearly define “what they need”. What their product needs to do. And what the product needs to deliver to the customer and the consumer that uses it.
To be successful, every inventor must think through and visualize how their product invention will be designed and engineered. Designers and engineers need to clearly understand all of the key design criteria, such as product performance criteria, materials, size/dimensions, cost limitations and user requirements, and more. If you don’t get it right the first time, you can lose significant time and money!
- WHAT Product Designers and Engineers need to know to do their best work
- WHAT not to do when you approach an engineer or engineering company
- WHAT is development and WHAT is engineering
- HOW engineers are judging you
- HOW production methods impact design choices
John Ellis had no expertise in optics or engineering when he started his optical engineering company in 2002. In the years since his company has helped customers ranging from the Fortune 10 to new startups, design and new optical devices, single prototypes for scientific research and consumer products selling in the tens of millions of units.
Categories include:
Medical Devices
Optical Disc Drives
Night Vision Cameras
Motion Capture
Video Games
John graduated from Haverford College with a degree in History, in his spare time he coaches his kids in baseball and soccer.
He has successfully licensed technology to leading toy and home good brands.
Two of his more interesting failed side projects include ‘Mister Smarty Plants’ a crowd sourced plant identification service and ‘Meaningful Wins’ a tool to use fantasy sports for nonprofit fundraising.
· Inventors
· New Product Innovators/Entrepreneurs
· New Business Startups
Date: June 16, 2021
TIME: 6:00-7:30 PM CDT
WHERE: ZOOM Video Conferencing