
Exciting Pitch Session with Marc Portney!  

Watch Inventors Pitch Their Products

Wednesday, September 18th, 2019 - 6:00PM - Hopkins, MN

A select handful of creators will present their new product idea on the auditorium stage to Marc Portney and his team. If the team sees an idea that they like, they may license it and produce the product themselves or will give presenters valuable feedback to help improve the product. Additionally, Marc will open with a session for all attendees on how to have a conversation with deal makers about your idea. 

Marc has a reputation for delivering new and innovative products to the Home Shopping Network (HSN) and All-American Makers on The Science Channel. Getting a product on a national market such as HSN is a dream for most entrepreneurs, so this is an opportunity to see product pitches that may eventually be sold to millions of customers.

Marc Portney is interested in physical products and goods that are consumer oriented. If you missed the chance to pitch, there will be other opportunities from Marc online. 

We want you there! This event will be held in the auditorium at Eisenhower Community Center

 Admission $15 - Free for IN Members. Map link at the website