Learn HOW TO PITCH Your Product Invention and Watch Inventors Pitch Their Product Concept

  • Learn from FIVE Different Inventors as they pitch their products!
  • Participate and learn from the audience FEEDBACK and REACTION with Live Q&A!
  • See the latest on the “CLUB INVENTION” and our PITCH PLANS!!


  • First Annual U.S. Inventors Conference – OCT 19th-21st in Washington D.C.  Steve Lyon, IN Club President shares highlights.
  • Oversees Sourcing:   Larry Mahoney of Asia Direct Resources will update us on sourcing options in a post-covid Asia.
Every Month Jahn Stopperan, our Lead Developer, will PRESENT an update on the “CLUB INVENTION” that we are developing. We will share the progress with club members each month throughout the year.
Our goal for the year is to share with you how we:
  • Evaluate and Prioritize our selected new product invention idea
  • Develop a finished functional PRODUCT DESIGN
  • Build a final product prototype that fully demonstrates PROOF OF CONCEPT
  • Prepare all necessary patent application documents and apply to the USPTO to secure a PROVISIONAL PATENT
  • Prepare all documentation, sales materials, presentation materials and prototypes necessary for presentations to prospective licensees
  • Secure a finalized licensing agreement
Every Month you will be joining us on the new product development and licensing journey to learn and hone your own on how you can license product inventions!
BE SURE TO JOIN US Wednesday, NOV 15th
TIME: 6:00PM-8:00PM (Networking 5:30-6:00 and 8:00-8:30)
WHERE: 1001 HWY 7, Eisenhower Community Center (Just West of HWY 169), Hopkins MN 55305
COST:  Guests ($15.00) / Members FREE
FALL Membership SPECIAL: $100.00 (BONUS MEMBERSHIP for NOV & DEC 2023 and ALL of 2024). Pay at Check-In with Cash/Credit Card.
About Inventors Network: Inventors Network is committed to the Minnesota Inventor Community with: Guidance, Resources and Networking.
Monthly meetings (Most on the 3rd Wednesday) include: Speaker/Topic of Interest with Q&A; Informational Roundtables on Manufacturing/3D-Printing/Prototyping/Legal/Marketing and Licensing.
  • DEC 20th: Annual Holiday Party!  Speakers and Treats!!  
  • JAN 17th: TBD
  • FEB 21st: TBD